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Claire's RTHK Interview,Hong kong​​
July 2018
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Crime Scene Investigation
You can now have, a consultation with Claire, a reading that many have called amazingly, profound and life-changing.
 Claire provides online sessions, phone reading's and, in-person  consultations for clients. Claire is a international 
renowned, psychic & medium, and
 Intuitive counsellor. Who has been working, with people from all over the world, for over 38 years. In the 
wellness and holistic industry. 
 Consultations that are conducted, remotely online, or by phone, are just as accurate as
 in-person sessions.

 Love & Light
 Claire Graham

contact us at


Do you believe your

house is haunted?  

Does your house have  strange, and scary energies, do you feel watched by an invisible presence ? Freezing cold spots, that have no logical, 

Heavy negative energies, that seem to occupy your home? Spooky dark shadow figures, that you see all the time ?.
Is your family coming home, to a dark unwelcoming feeling?

Do you hear unusual, disembodied sounds, loud bangs, spooky 
knocks.Evil sulphur Smell's, that cannot be explained.The dead are every where. Your home may well be haunted. Most of these souls that are stuck in our physical 
dimension.And, just
want to pass on a message, to the living. In most of these cases, they just need help to cross over, into the light. This is where
rescue-mediumship steps in.

The Light of God protects you.

Psychic Detective


Do you have a Missing

Person? Is there an Unsolved, Murder Case.
Do you have, a cold case, that you need

 help, and information 
Or a beloved, Missing Pet? Claire, can come along with her team, to investigate your case. 
Helping you, & your family, to find peace of mind. Finding people that are lost, or missing. 
Claire, and her team of professionals, can help you to search, for those individuals 
and people, that just do not want to be found ! 
If you have lost, or mislaid valuable and
important documents
or objects. 

 We can help you !

Claire and her team, can Investigate individual cases, that are based on the clients needs and wants.



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